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Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Latihan Bhs Inggris

of : faraid (efreid) = takut

ahead (ehed) = di

depan, sebelumnya

ashamed (eshimd) = malu

aware (ewe:) = insyaf


capable (keipebl) = sanggup

careful (ke:ful), with = hati –


certain (se:ten) = tentu,


conscious (konshes) = sadar


east (i:st) = timur

envious (envies) = iri hati,

cemburu akan

fond (fond) = gemar

akan, suka pada

guilty (gilti) =

bersalah, berdosa

ignorant (ignerent) = tak

tahu menahu

independent (independent) = bebas, brdiri sendiri

jealous (jeles) = cemburu

kind (kaind), to =

macam, jenis, ramah

north (no:th) = utara

proud (praud) =

sombong, bangga

short (sho:t) =

pendek, ringkas, singkat

shy (shay) = malu

south (sauth) = selatan

sure (shure) =

pasti, tentu

tired (taied) = bosan

west (west) = barat

worthy (we:thi) =

patut, sesuai dengan

1. Don’t be afraid of the rabbit.

Jangan takut pada kelinci itu.

2. She is tried of that book.

Ia bosan pada buku itu.

To : close (klous) = dekat,

rapat, sesak

Contrary (kontreri) =

bertentangan dengan

Cruel (kruel) = bengis,


Dear (die) = mahal,


Equal (i:kwel) =

sepadan, sama, sebandin

Faithful (feihful) = setia,


Fatal (feithl) = celaka,

yang mengakibatkan kematian

Harmful ( ha:mful) = yang


Indifferent (infierie) =

bertanggung jawab

Inferior (infirie) = kurang

baik, rendah

Liable (laieble) =

bertanggung jawab

New (nyu:) = baru

Obedient (oubi:jent) = patuh,


Obvious (obvies) = terang,


Polite (pelait) = sopan,


Previous (pri:vyes) = yang

lebih dahulu

Rude (ru:d) = kasar

Sensitive (sensitive) = pake


Similar (simile) = sama,

serupa, sesuai

Useful (yu:ful) =


1. I am often helpful to you.

Saya sering menolong Anda.

2. why are you rude to your servant?

Mengapa Anda kasar pada pelayan Anda?

At : bad (bed) = buruk, bodoh

Clever (kleve) = pandai

Efficient (ifishent) = efisien, pandai, berhasil

Expenrt (ikpe:t) = ahli

Good (gud) = baik, pandai

Indignant (indighnent)= marah

Quick (kwik) = cepat

Sad (sed) = sedih

Slow (slou) = lambat

Skilful (skilful) = cakap, pandai

1. I am slow at learning the game.

Saya lambat dalam mempelajari

permainan itu.

2. Merici is clever at playing


Merici pandai bermain badminton.

From : away (ewei) = jauh

different (difrent) =

berbeda, berlainan

Far (fa:) =


resulting (rezalting) =


safe (seif) =

selamat, aman

1. is it safe from chemicals?

Apakah itu aman dari bahan – bahan


2. How far is it from here?

Berapa jauhnya dari sini?

In : deficient (difishent) =

berkurang, kekurangan

fortunate (fo:cunit) =

beruntung, bertuah

honest (onist) = jujur

interested (interested) = tertarik

weak (wi:k) = lemah

1. I’m interested in pop music.

Saya tertarik pada music pop.

2. David is quite honest in his


David cukup jujur pada


On : dependent (dipendent) =

bergatung pada

Inten (inten) = asyik,


Keen (ki:in) = suka


1. I am keen on cycling.

Saya suka bersepeda.

2. Are you intenton playing tennis?

Apakah anda sungguh – sungguh

bermain tennis?

About :ansxious (ensyes) =

mencemaskan, khawatir

Curious (kyueries) = ingin


Doubtful (dautful) = sangsi, ragu – ragu

Enthusiastic (intuzietik) =

bersemangat, bergelora

Reluctant (rilaktent) = segan, enggan, taksuka

Right (rait) = benar

Uneasy (ani:zi) = sukar,

gelisah, bimbang

1. why are you doubtful about the

results of the match?

Mengapa Anda sangsi akan hasil

pertadingan itu?

2. I am anxious about me health?

Saya khhawatr akan kesehatan saya?

Coba baca dengan suara keras contoh – contoh kalimat dibawah ini. Jangan lupa terjemahkan kalimat – kalimat tersebut kedalam bahasa Indonesia.

a. I am sorry for my rudeness.

b. Are you certain of the facts?

c. We are proud of you.

d. Yosron is good at cooking

e. I’am interestedin music.

f. This dress isn’t suitable for tennis.

g. David is found of fishing.

h. Why are you anxious about your health?

i. These clothes are too nice for working in the workshop.

j. I am shy of me school teacher.

k. Are you keen on good music?

l. Is he jealous of his girl-friend?

m. Why are you rude to your family?

n. Is you office far from here?

Arti kata – kata :

Rudenesss (ru:dnis) = kekasaran

Fatch (fekt) = kenyataan, fakta

Health (helth) = kesehatan

Workshop (we:khsop) = bengkel

Accountancy (ekauntensi) = akuntansi

Behaviour (biheivye) = kelakuan

Bravery (breivri) = keberanin

Librarian (laibre:rein) = pustakawan

Mad man (med men) = orang gila

Latihan :

Lengkapi kalimat dibawah ini dengan :

For, with, of, to, at, from, in, on, about.

a. Are you interested stamps?

b. they are keen accountancy.

c. My mother afraid snakes.

d. Yosron is fond chess.

e. I am busy my typewriter.

f. is she anxious here father?

g. They are good English.

h. I’m sorry my houseband’s bhaviour.

i. My wife is clever everything.

j. I’m proud your brafery.

k. Breakfast is ready us.

l. He is bad playing chess.



Aan : Good afternoon, madam. May I help you? (gud a:ftenun)

Selamat sore, Bu. Boleh saya membantu Anda?

Merici : Yes, please, I’m looking for my friend. (yes, pli:z. aim luking fo: mai frend)

Ya, silakan. Saya sedang mencari teman saya.

Aan : May I know your friend’s name? (mei ai nou yue frens neim)

Boleh saya tahu nama teman Anda?

Merici : Mr. David. Just a minute ………. He is out. (miste devid, iz hi: hie)

Tuan David? Apakah ia di sini?

Baiklah! Mari kita lanjutkan saja dengan membicarakan kata – kata yang menunjukan arti kumpulan, kelompok, kawanan, dan semacamnya.

Contoh :

1. A flock of sheep is coming down the hill.

(e flok of shi:p iz kaming daun de hil)

Sekumpulan biri – biri turun dari bukit.

2. The old man was driving a herd of cattle.

( di ould men woz draiving e he ;of ketl)

Orang tua itu sedang mengiring sekelompok ternak)

Hafalkan Frase–frase di bawah ini.

A swarm of rabbits

(e swo:m of rebits ) = sekawanan kelinci

A bunch of flowers

(e bantc of flauez ) = seikat bunga

A bunch of bananas

( a bantc of bena:nez ) = sesisir bunga

A bunch of grapes

( e banth of greips ) = setangkai buah anggur

A herd of cow ( e he:d of kau ) = sekelmok lembu

A heap of sand (e hi:p of send ) = seonggok pasir

A heap of books (e hi:p of buks ) = setumpuk buku

A heap of stone ( e hi:p stouns ) = setumpuk batu

A fleet of ships ( e fil:t of shift ) = sejumlah kapal laut

A crowd of people ( e kraud of pi:pl ) = khalayak ramai

A string of beads ( e string of bi:ds ) = seuntai manik – manik

A flock of geese ( e flok of gi:z ) = sekelopok angsa

A pair of scissors ( e pe: of sizez) = sebuah gunting

A pair of shoes ( e pa: of shu:z) = sepasang sepatu

A pair of glasses ( e pe: of gla:ziz ) = sebuah kaca mata

A party of tourist ( e pa:ti of tuerist ) = serombongan wisatawan

A bar of chocholate ( e ba: of cokelit) = sebatang coklat

A bar of soap ( e ba: of soup ) = Sebatang sabun

A row of houses (e row of husiz ) = sederet rumah

A bowl of soup ( e boul of su:p ) = semangkuk sup

A bowl of rice ( a boul of rais ) = semangkuk nasi

A ball of string ( e boul of string ) = segulung tali

A team of players ( e ti:m of pleiez ) = sekelompok pemain

A piece of cloth ( a pi:s of klout ) = sepotong kain

A piece of wood ( e pi:s of wud ) = sepotong kayu

A piece of cake ( e pi:s of keik ) = sepotong kue

A piece of cheese ( a pi:s of ci:z ) = sepotong keju

A piece of paper ( a e,pi:z of peipe = sehelai kertas

A pile of blankest ( e pail of blengkits )= setumpuk selimut

A line of washing ( e lain of wo:shing )= sederet jemuran

A line of tress ( e lain of tri:z ) = sederet pohon

A box of matches ( e bos of metciz ) = sekotak korek api

A slik of cake ( a slais of keik ) = sepotong kue

A loaf of bread ( e louf of bred ) = sebungkal roti

A plate of beef ( e plait of bi:f ) = sepiring daging

A plate of rice ( e plait of rais ) = sepiring nasi

A plate of fish ( e pleit of fish ) = sepiring ikan

A pack of card ( e pek of ka:ds ) = sepak kartu

A sheet of paper ( e shi:t of peipe) = selembar kertas

A lump of sugar ( e lamp of syuge ) = sebungkal gula

A roll of cloth ( e roul of klouth ) = segulung kain

A bottle of milk ( e botl of milk ) = sebotol susu

A glass of water ( e gla:s of wo:te ) = segelas air

A bundle of books ( e bandl of buks ) = setumpuk buku

A cluster of flowers (e klaste of flauez)= sekelompok bunga

A group of houses ( a group of housiz )= sekelompok rumah

A school of fish ( e schul of fish ) = sekelompok ikan

Dalam bahasa Inggris kumpulan, kelompok, kawanan, dan lain – lain disebut collective noun.

Sekarang katakana kalimat – kalimat dibawah ini kepada teman Anda :

  1. Bring me a pail of water. (bring mi: epeil of wo:te )

Bawakan saya seember air

  1. Drink of glass of tea. ( dring of gla:s of ti: )

Minumlah segelas the.

  1. Bring me of cup of tea ( bring mi: e kap of ti: )

Ambilkan saya secangkir the.

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